Home assistance is the set of interventions aimed at people or families who, due to particular contingencies or incomplete independence, are unable, even temporarily, to meet their personal, domestic, social and health needs.
In particular, in compliance with article 87 of R.R. n.4/07, is aimed at people with disabilities and partially non-self-sufficient elderly people who, due to age and/or disabling pathologies, experience reduced or poor ability in personal mobility, even temporarily, with evident limitation of personal autonomy and consequent reduction in the quality of life.
In line with the provisions of the DGR n.1206/2007, the home care service pursues the aim of keeping the person in their own living environment, foreseeing and removing the causes that limit their autonomy, supporting the action of caring for families and contrasting situations of marginalization and institutionalization processes.
Assistance to a user of a domiciliary service is a process of integration and construction of a relationship of trust which presupposes mutual knowledge and a path which translates into the global taking charge of the person.
The user who benefits from Home Services is usually an elderly or disabled person, in any case he is a fragile person, with health problems and often with a high care burden.
To biological fragility must also be added the psychological fragility of those who find themselves, in spite of themselves, having to resort to people “strangers” from their family context.
The culture of home care, which inspires the service, is expressed in the following way:
- home living as a dimension of life of the person, articulated in the spaces of the house and of
interpersonal relationships;
- home care as recovery and protection of a person’s sense of belonging;
home care as the construction of a network of synergies in response to the estrangement from
own living context.